We all have those days when our hair is a bit – less than perfect. Maybe the roots seems a bit greasier than usual; perhaps the curling iron mal-functioned and you have uneven curls, or you sprayed too much dry shampoo too close to the root, now you look like Gandalf-the-grey. For whatever reasons, throwing a French beret over problematic hair has been my go-to fix when I am in these types of sitatuions.
A beret is so easy and fun, and it instantly makes the whole outfit look chic and effortless.
“Oh! You look so French, so stylish!” People will shower you with compliments.
“Oui, oui!” you say, and try to hide that smirk.
You didn’t have to tell others that you overslept and didn’t even brush your hair today. For what they know, you look awesome in a beret, and that’s all it matters.